One advantage in reaching the ripe old age of seventy + (Yeah. I was born 1936) is having lived through some of the most exciting musical moments of the twentieth century.
It was on my doctor's advice when I turned 60, to slow down and find myself a nice quiet relaxing hobby or have a heart attack. So I took up writing for the musical stage. Who said this was a relaxing hobby?
As to the kind of music I write I don't have a particular category, as my writing covers a very wide spectrum. To date I have completed several musical plays as well as writing various choral pieces and solo songs. Guess I must be in a hurry! Can't think why, I'm not that old!
Want to know more? Check out my NEW website at

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2013 Was a busy year for me writing the music score for two new shows:-'ALICE IN WONDERLAND' which saw its premiere in July,followed by:-'A CHRISTMAS CAROL'also premiered at the Rowntree Theatre. York, England in November. I am now writing the music score for 'PINOCCHIO' a musical based on this famous story. This is booked into the Rowntree theatre for its premiere in June 2014. 'ALICE' has also been booked into the 'Spa Theatre' in Bridlington, U.K. for March 2014. So a busy year ahead!


I have now reached the season of my life when I can breathe a sigh of relief as one may when scaling Everest or reaching the North Pole.
Spring came and went with the impatience of youth, racing into maturity and I was so busy enjoying the amorous and energetic experiences of Summer, half of my life had vanished into the golden mists of Autumn before I realised the first of the morning frost was heralding the onset of my Winter.
Now I have time for reflection, what better way to recall a lifetime of experiences, than to express it through my music.
To hear is to believe, so please find a little of YOUR time to key into my website at


This Artist has 1 Playlist


Dennis Westgate
over 30 days ago to Dennis Westgate

I now have a NEW web page for anyone interested.
@ 1

Dennis Westgate
over 30 days ago to Dennis Westgate

Forgot to mention that all of the sevewral song I submitted to the U.K. Songwriting contest got through to the semi finals and a couple to the finals. All details on my Facebook page.

over 30 days ago to Dennis Westgate

Great songwriting! 'A Winter's Morning' 5 stars