I like interesting lyrics and unusual chord progressions. Sometimes I am able to combine them into the same song.

Currently my interest in electronics has been rekindled, whether it goes anywhere or not. It's fun to do.

Press Info

Had a blurb here and there. Wrote Beyond The Wall with Betty Miller of Las
Vegas and Charlie Pride sang it on the These Colors Won't Run CD. Since
then, I've had 8 songs recorded on 7 CDs--Show Me Your Love and Hello Mr.
Heartache, and I'll Keep The Change (again with Betty Miller) on ABL Records,
Hit Songs #1.

Similar Artists

I write music on my computer and go through all kinds of gadgets to record it;


TV, radio, iTunes.


I have a musical and lyrical background. Love words and interesting chord
progressions--sometimes I am able to combine them in the same song!


This Artist has 1 Playlist



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tapdancers--i really thought it was cool--i gave it 5 stars--cheers--joe.