Tom was christened Honest Tom by a dishonest pub landlord, way back when there were licensing hours and pretty barmaids.

After playing bass with the Counts ( the "compleat and utter counts") in and around the Eastern Region he began his transition to Thailand and has built a home there.

Recent years have seen him writing more and more until his CD, "The Fatherless Son", was finalised in 2009/2010. A musical collaboration between himself and Richard Young. Its impossible to list him under any one particular genre since his music styles are so wide and varied

In 2009 he wrote "something for the pain" with Phil Crawford and the Scruffy Dogs in mind, and they included it on their latest Cd, taking it on tour and playing it live at the BBC in England. It quickly became one of their favourite songs.

Since then he has moved to SE Asia where he plays regularly with local bands and is currently writing again.

Latest News

4 songs by Tom Robson were voted into the semi finals of the UK songwriters competition this year


as i get into this broadjam concept a little more i find it interesting to read the "reviews" in fact I look forward to them. the little sign comes up.. "you've got a new review" and I find myself clicking with anticipation..

now I am learning that there are good reviews and bad ones. but a good one can be a bad one too! A good review really isnt a 100% score, (which is always nice) but rather a realistic review by someone who understands the genre and has a clue about writing, hooks, recording and the particular style and approach chosen by the writer.

A good good review of course is one done by a "qualified" reviewer.

then there are the bad ones... the fool who decides he "doesnt like the style", doesnt "like" the genre etc. at first i was a little protective toward the Simon Cowell wannabees until i realised they deservd my pity. Not realising that this is not a competition, and that they wont boost their own song in any rating by "slagging" should be a part of the help section I think.

and clicking on a genre that you either dont like or dont understand is plain stupid. but it adds to the daily laughs, especially when its on a song thats already sold.

I guess i need to click on hip hop or rap for a few days, I too have some frustration to clear from my head :)

New Studio

Wow by the end of next week the new studio will be up and running, the builders are nearly finished and life will never be quite the same again


This Artist has 1 Album


Helen Koniuck
over 30 days ago to tom robson

Enjoyed listening very interesting song, well done!

Helen Koniuck
over 30 days ago to tom robson

Hello Tom Robson, Thanks for adding me to your connection list. will keep tracking
your songs. Helen Koniuck

Helen Koniuck
over 30 days ago to tom robson

Hi Tom, Thanks for the nice review of "and I'm still loving you." I will be listening to your
songs as well, seeing as my genre is not your favorite! lol
Best wishes helen koniuck