Singer/Sonwriter/producer/composer/philosopher/dreamer and all around great guy!I do however tend to speak my mind and sometimes it isnt always with the best tact but I am working on that. I gues I am basically a simple man with a good heart and alot of frustration at times when I look at How little we tend to cherish the important things in life and over dramatize the insignificant.My ultimate dream day would be to spend a day in a studio with Alice cooper,steven tyler and eric clapton and of course Peter Gabriel and write as many songs as we could and lay em down That would be on my Bucket list! So until then I will just keep writing and making the most out of every day.

Latest News

Thanks to all who have listened to my music on this site.
I have tried to connect with some of you but have not had the best response. If you would like to know what is going on with the new cd and band news check out our myspace page.We seem to get better results there. so we are going to focus on that.

A little about us

I am orginally from a small town south of Kansas City Missouri. I have always had a love for Music for as Far back as I can remember. I started play drums at five (but my mom says it was more like noise)Trumpet at 8,Tuba at 12,Guitar and Keys at 15,wrote my first song at 11,Toured Europe and was in my first recording studio at 18 and I have played and sang all over the world.I took off a few years to have a family and after 11 years my wife ran off with the mailman ( still writing that song) I lost my Grandmother and my father all of this in about a year and I had to start over again. I left for Nashville Tn with 20 bucks a Yamaha qy700 Sequencer and a laundry bag in a 500.00 car and have been here ever since. Not a day goes by that I take for granted how lucky I am to be here.Even though most of the time I am haunted by pin from my old life,I know that Our creator has a plan for us all.I believe my will be found here. I am a very blessed man who remarried in 2008 to a wonderful woman who loves all of me
and makes each moment more precious than the last.I am also a huge fan of Tony Robbins and human behavior. I have mutiple personalities so if we ever meet and you dont like me just wait til you get to meet the rest of us.


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