Currently co-writing Christian tunes and sharing them through WhiteFoxMusic.

Pianist, Songwriter, Musical Theatre writer and producer.
Bachelor of Music (Theory Composition). Sam Houston State University

Singer, Trumpet player, Teacher, Wife/Mom
Bachelor of Music Education. Houston Baptist University

Latest News

Next musical theater production, The Swarthy Seadog, Feb. 26, 27, 28, 2010. Auditions Jan 10 & 17 at The Nathaniel Center. 281.348.7800 (Kingwood, Tx) Email camnet2001@aol.com to get an Audition Script.

WhiteFox Music

WhiteFox Music (Brenda White and Tasha Fox) are Christian songwriters. Tasha is a praise and worship leader; Brenda is a pianist; Both are currently serving congregations in Houston, Texas. They continue to produce original tunes for the glory of Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior.

Hello from Houston, Texas

Music, Family-oriented Musical Theatre, Instrumental, Inspirational, et al.
At The Nathaniel Center, a small theatre 'near you', we mount original musical theatre no less that twice each year. Musical Theatre makes a difference in the lives of everyone from the audience to the curtain tech! Get involved in Music!


This Artist has 1 Playlist


over 30 days ago to WhiteFoxMusic

ziplok.us ziplokus@gmail.com