Tony Yau, better known by his stage name Zight, is a songwriter, composer & music producer from United Kingdom. He is a registered member of PRS Music IPI #1061611990.

His creative process is unique in the way he crafts his iconic sound. The artist suffers from the disorder "Synesthesia", which means his emotions are often transferred into melodies in his mind. The result is something authentic and oozing with originality.

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Visit his Instagram or Facebook to follow him on his journey.


Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago to Zight

Zight, Killer song!! Do you have a Contact/email site for Sonna Rele......she has a super voice!! We are interested in possibly using her for a Demo??
Again, really Great Tune!!
Margie & Art Corey..................Broad Jam....

2 Replies
over 30 days ago

Yeah sure. Pitch me on IG will you don't want to disclose here email publicly.

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago

Zight, let's connect and solve that problem! Don't know what IG is???
Be Safe.
The Coorey's.............