Winston Montgomery showed an early commitment to rock 'n' roll when he stole $20 from his widowed mother's pocketbook to buy a 78 rpm copy of Buddy Knox's number one hit single, "Party Doll".
Born in New York's suburban Westchester County, he attented college in the midwest and after graduation made his generation's almost obligatory pilgrimage to San Francisco. He has resided in "the cool grey city of love" ever since, paying the bills by renovating houses, among them many of the multi-hued Victorian edifices that San Francisco is famous for. Throughout, Winston pursued his love of music and writing. His 2006 EP, "Child Is Father To The Man" was his first recording effort. In 2008 he recorded "Mozart On The Road", a full length CD, produced by Mill Valley's Austin de Lone. He now lives in Taos, New Mexico, following the counter culture to the bitter end.

Sounds Like: Loudon Wainwright III, John Fogerty