It's something new; something fresh; something you have never heard before, coming out of the Midwestern U.S.

Union Pier was created by Mike Bruno & Tom Baldacci to share the sounds and skills of some of our talented friends in music. These original songs are just the beginning for the group. Freshwater Reggae will not just be the name of the first CD. It will be our mission. We like to think of it as a new Genre in American Music.

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Introducing: Union Pier. This is a little Roots, Rock, & Reggae; a little of what influences us all.

Union Pier is:

Tom Baldacci
Mike Bruno
Scott Chrane
Rich Godlewski
Mike Kosmala
Vinnie Young

Special contributions on this project from Ed Fosco, Morris Foster, Grace Baldacci, Mike Dietrick, Randy Houk, and Producer Mario Massi.

About Union Pier

Mike Bruno and Tom Baldacci met while in school at Saint Mary's College in 1979. While attending, they formed a band with Ed Fosco and performed at various events at the college as well as local Pubs. Since those days, much has changed. Bruno and Fosco moved to Minneapolis and started performing again in 1996 for small local venues and parties; mostly in a small acoustic group arrangement. Baldacci, who anchors the group's recordings with his excellent drumming prowess and versatility, spend much of the mid 1980's playing in a Chicago based reggae band called True Democracy. This group, also partnered by Morris Foster and Vinnie Young, build the foundation for the original reggae sound that has carried over to this group. The additions to the sound, like rocker guitar player Mike Kosmala, bassist Scott Chrane, and guitar picker Rich Godlewski; has rounded off the sound to be more of a combination genre, with the influences of rock, reggae, and even a little bit of folk. The group members have added so much to the original songs of Bruno & Baldacci; and have embellished upon them with their own special touches. Look for more from this group in the coming years. Many new original compositions are yet to be recorded.


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My name is Brent Hoffmann and I am the Executive Director of the 2010 Industry Meltdown Midwest Music Summit.
I would like to personally invite you to attend this year's IMMMS.
September 17th-18th
Benefits of attending:
- Learn how you can get more paying gigs
- Learn how to get your songs on the radio
- Meet industry pros (it's all about networking)
- Learn more/new techniques to market your music?
and much - much more...

If you take your music seriously, you don't want to miss this opportunity.
Seats are limited and tickets are almost gone.
You can find out more information at -
Or you can check out our Broadjam page for more information.

I look forward to seeing you there.
Brent Hoffmann
Executive Director

P.S. - As a Broadjam member you are also being offered a special promotion - buy a ticket to the event and we will add the A&R Listening Session for FREE! That's $150 in your pocket and 15 min. with a pro. Tell a friend and we will pass the deal onto them as well. Just email me your ticket purchase and I will take care of the rest. + As a ticket holder you get exclusive access to 3 new opportunties (2 from MTV) - only open to ticket holders.