UNICORN ROCKGARDEN MUSIC and UTV STUDIOS specializes in Production, Programming, and Promotion of Music, Musicians, & Media. Owner/Director/Producer Jessianna "MA - Mother to Musicians Everywhere" Wingert is a respected formidable lifelong champion of the Arts and Artists - most notably Americana Music and Musicians.

Americana Showcase Concert UTV Series to date has featured
*1,600 MidWest Pro Vets on SOA stages*
in our
*Unicorn Studios Family Trademark Alcohol Free Straight Edge Venues*
over our 5 1/2 year broadcast course.
Additionally, our UTV Series partnered with 150 NPO Associations, 350 commercial sponsors, and thousands of progressive community minded citizens.
Unicorn Studios has been recognized by the Iowa Arts Council as a ProActive Iowa & USA Cultural Entrepreneur.

UNICORN STUDIOS is where Artists & Audiences discover our 45 years of Dedication & Commitment to the Art & Craft of Music is our Passion for Life.
Copyright 2008
All Rights Reserved & Protected

Latest News


August 24, 1998 Edition of
Iowa's Pulitzer Prize Winning Publication
The Des Moines Register Newspaper
Metro Business Section - PG 2
3/4 page Feature Article
"Fort Dodge Natives launch TV venture for North Central Iowa" by Kevin Brown


UNICORN ROCKGARDEN MUSIC and UTV STUDIOS specializes in the Production, Programming, and Promotion of Music, Musicians, and Media. Owner/Director/Producer Jessianna "MA - Mother to Musicians Everywhere" Wingert is a formidable lifelong champion of the Arts and Artists - notably Americana Music and Musicians. In 1997, UNICORN STUDIOS launched Rockin' and Rollin' 'Round Fort Dodge UTV Series. Our LEASED Fort Dodge, Iowa CH12 Cable Channel Access UTV Series featured UNICORN ARTISTS & MEDIA CULTURAL and COMMUNITY BUILDING PARTNERSHIPS with 30,000 community members; 150 NFPO; 1,300 amateur & professional Musicians performing Music genres ranging from Opera to Classical to Country to Gospel to Rock to Blues in hundreds of story features on thousands of UTV programs broadcast over the course of 5 seasons from 1997 - 2001. RRRFTD UTV Series guests include: former Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad; Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley; Former Ft Dodge Mayor Gayle Van Alstine; Ft Dodge Choral Society; Fort Dodge Barbershop Chorus; Button Box Boys; Iowa Arts Council Performer Patrick Hazel; '98 Jimmy Hendrix Blues Guitar USA Champion Jason Chistiansen & his Scarlet Runner Band of Waterloo, IA; The Nadas of Ames, IA; Prof of 12 String Guitar Dr David Asbury of Austin, Texas; Fort Dodge area artists Aphesis Christian Rock Band; Grant Gospel Group; Generation of Love Contemporary Christian Rock Band; ICCC Jazz Band; Big Top Jazz Orchestra; The Ralph Leslie Band; Gunshy Country Rock Band; Outback Band; Hell -or- High Water Band; Spooky Mojo R&B Band; The Mudpuppies R&B Band; Eric Hovey Blues Band; Junior's Army R&B Band; FTD United Way; American Cancer Society; Webster County Humane Society; Ft Dodge Mainstreet; Ft Dodge Chamber of Commerce/Oak Hill Arts District Association Ft Dodge Fall Fest; Blanden Memorial Art Museum; Ft Dodge Historical Foundation Fort Museum Facility; Vincent House; Feed the Children/Smithway Motor Express/Ames Barilla Pasta CO; March of Dimes; Pleasant Valley Neighborhood Assoc; FtD Regional Airport; Air Nat'l Guard; Iowa State Patrol; Ft Dodge Library; Viet Nam Veterans of America.

Our marketing and audience development comprised 250 commercial sponsors; thousands of USA PSA's as UTV Media Partners with a certified media value of $6 million including Partnership for a Drug Free Iowa/America & the Iowa Governor's Traffic Safety Bureau; and UTV produced Cabin Fever NA JAMS II and III Concert Series & RRRFTD Oleson Park Bandshell Rock & BluesFests I, II, and III. UTV Series forward pioneer diverse family programming built explosive viewing audience loyalty, and an unprecedented record of NO complaints or negative comments from cable subscribers directed to the local cable service provider for the entire five season run of our Rockin' and Rollin' 'Round Fort Dodge UTV Series. Additionally, we have a wealth of positive TWO THUMBS UP UTV Viewer's Reviews in our UNICORN STUDIOS files.

UNICORN STUDIOS and Rockin' and Rollin' 'Round Fort Dodge UTV Series was profiled in a 3/4 page Metro Business Section feature article on the Monday, August 24, 1998 edition of the Des Moines Register.

Spring 2005 UTV Concert and Cultural Community Events scheduled for filming and distribution are: 2006 AMERICANA MUSIC SHOWCASE CONCERTS SERIES 2007; and ROCKIN' the BLUES on the FORT DODGE NIGHT SHIFT 2006 Arts Focus and Talk Show UTV Series. Individual and group community members, NFP associations/organizations, visual and performing artists, Musicians and Bands, and commercial sponsors are invited to contact UNICORN STUDIOS Producer Jessianna Wingert @ 714 / 788 - 8311, Monday - Friday 8AM-8PM;
or e-mail utvusa@yahoo.com for complete platform, producer's standards and criteria, and guest requirements to be considered for the '06 - '07 UTV Concert and Program Series performer's and guest schedule.

UNICORN STUDIOS is where Artists & Audiences discover our 45 years of Dedication & Commitment to the Art & Craft of Music is a Passion for Life.


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