Travis Randal aka TRendsetter writes, performs, produces, records, mixes and generally kicks ass all his own music, on his own, in his home studio in Los Angeles, CA.
Up until 2008 Travis wrote and performed primarily acoustic/ folk/singer/songwriter sets. The recent "birth" of his funky-fresh-bad ass-smooth-electro-rave-rock is an all new, much more enjoyable, experiment.
It is difficult to compare the TRendsetter style to anyone out there.

Currently on the low budget Vibrator Records label, Travis Randal TRendsetter is in the market for a stable indie label and interested in licensing and or placing his music in TV/Film.

Travis can be contacted at (Subject line- Broadjam)
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Thanks to everyone for your reviews, your downloads, and your support. Thanks to you I've cracked the top 10 in the Electronica genre in my first week on

July 20, 2008, Electronic genre, at #5 Obi-Wan Kenobi in the Garden of Eden.

Keep on rockin!

Holy smokes! July 27, 2008 Obi-Wan in Eden hits #1 on the breakbeat charts!! I think I just pee'd my pants.. no wait, yep, I did.

Aug. 20th 2008 Pirranha hit #2 on the breakbeat charts!! behind #1 Obi-Wan in Eden giving Travis Randal the top two songs in the genre!!


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