Time Designs Music Publishing is proud to present the new debut album, Cosmic Sundae, by San Francisco Bay Area recording artists Drastic Orbit! A trio of composers were influenced by waves of exciting energy emanating from the city's vibrant music scene. Inspired by the new sounds oozing from international internet radio stations, they created an eleven song album that entertains the listener with a cerebral blend of natural acoustic instruments and synthetic excursions. A new genre known as electro acoustic was born. Spy themes, ultra hip grooves, jazzy riffs and exotic textures immerse the listener into a realm of mystery, suspense and wonder.

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Big News! The industry is opening up as major labels begin establishing digital distribution networks. What does this mean? New opportunities for artists! Stay tuned for further developments.


A San Francisco Bay Area project, Time Designs is a collaboration of family and friends inspired by waves of electronic energy emanating from internet radio stations. Now that musical efforts can be heard and appreciated, Time Designs is pleased to share their eclectic brand of music. A delicious chilled out blend, chock full of melody and mystery for the inquisitive mind and unsuspecting ear canal that drifts deep into the subconscious to sooth and stir the spirit.


This Artist has 1 Album