Lawyers in Arizona and New Jersey make up The Woodmen, who combine a signature classic rock sound with their unique vocal and lyrical stylings to create a musical vibe which is familiar, yet unmistakably original.

Their first album, "Tip of the Spear", had the song "(She's) Kickin' My Ass " from the album featured in the Warner Bros. film "Spring Breakdown". The Woodmen recently completed recording and mixing their second album, "The Absence of Not Being" at Winston Recording in Mesa, Arizona, and Woody's East in Roseland, N.J. All songs are available for purchase on


This Artist has 1 Album


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Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago to The Woodmen

Woodmen, another beautiful love song, Hee Hee! Great Guitar work, excellent rocker and Killer Vocals, certainly deserves 5 Stars & Likes! Almost sounds like Eagles stuff!! And you don't get any better than that!! Super Job!!
If you are ever in a more mellow state of mind, come visit our Broad Jam site...
Marg & Art Corey
Happy Trails.......
PS....we will listen to more of your songs again, Good Stuff!!!

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago to The Woodmen

Thanx for kind words for my spoof Cookie Cutter Blonde-- glad you liked it! WH

Rick Dean Smith
over 30 days ago to The Woodmen

Thanks for reviewing our song "Kick Ass". We appreciate the comparison to Metallica who is currently one of the top grossing bands in the world.