Suns Of Light formerly The Boys Motown Artist.

Sounds Like: Babyface, 2Pac

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Suns of Light Bio

The Suns of Light, formerly The Boys

Between 1988 - 1993, a group of four (4) Black youths (all brothers) brought quality entertainment, happiness, and joy to the world. People all over the globe still remember their hit songs like Dial My Heart and Crazy, those tight dance routines, back flips, the video in Japan, the standing ovation performance at the Image Awards show, when they dressed up like Bobby Brown, Milly Vanilli , Michael Jackson, George Michael and Madonna on the 'Crazy' video, their appearance on Michael Jackson's 'Moonwalker' video. They even had their own television show called 'The Boys'.

The Boys collected many awards and made major contributions to the music world until 1993, when they suddenly disappeared.

In 1994, we decided not to record another album, but to rest, reflect and research. We continued to creat music but the music we made was not for money, therefore the sounds are of pure creativity. We studied all religions and paths of spirituality and took to the practice of Yoga and Martial Arts. Eventually we realized that we had to go home to Africa. We had been to Africa before and felt some strong vibes there.

KHIRY - A king on the throne is the meaning of Khiry. I stand for justice and equality. I am all about Peace and Positivity, knowing that all of the Most HIgh is inside of me. I look at the world and I start to reflect. I belong to no creed, no caste and no sect. I feel that all people should be treated with respect, so I guide, heal, uplift and protect. The only war must be won from within, and positive energy will always win. Yes, what we ask for is what will be sent, as long as we're asking with the purest intent.

HAKIM - Hakim means the Wise One, the one who can see. From the lessons I've learned, I hope that's what I'll be. I used to think fancy cars and lots of women were cool.. but now I long to be a Wise Man, I've had enough of being the fool. I know the Creator is rollin' with us, so I must hold the patience, persistence and trust. I love Pure Peace and spiritual realization, being full of inspiration and artistic creation. I love good people who live with large hearts, who don't just talk but take action. Manna's Love, Meditation and Music are three keys to my satisfaction. The inner most longing that's deep in my soul is to see all beings Healthy, Happy and Whole. Hakim also means doctor, so I must have come to heal, proving LOVE and LIGHT within ALL is what's REAL.

TAJH - Like a King, Tajh means he who is crowned, not with diamonds or pearls but a Peace so profound. A majesty which surpasses that of silver and gold, and establishes ones self in the blissful abodes. We were born in this world with out any money or clothes, only a Pure Heart with the scent of a rose. And your heart's natural Love continually flows when giving your best from a purpose filled Soul. I love to vibe with nature and practice Tai Chi and to honor the Divine in All that I see. Though some may not agree, my idea of true wealth is Wisdom, Understanding and Knowledge of Self.

BILAL - My name is Bilal and I'm a young student who studies how to raise my mortal vessel into a spiritual body. My name means 'Prayer Caller' and I'm calling all to pray with their heart, a sincere prayer In LOVE every day. I love uplifting spirits and making people smile. Music is my only wife, meditation my only child. Back in the days (as a chubby youth), I used to wear big dark glasses, but I've taken them off and now can see spirit in each person that passes. Some call me "Baby B" because of my dependence on the Most High, and the baby ways that I've retained that make me feel I'll never die.

And prayerfully, one day I'll be an inspiration to the entire world, healing the hearts and minds of all, uplifting every boy and girl. For more music go to or and search Suns Of Light


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over 30 days ago to SUNS OF LIGHT

Love this song!

Joseph Miller
over 30 days ago to SUNS OF LIGHT

Excellent work... keep it up. Nice rich vocals... on chorus.... good lyrics... well done.. Joe
Here's a tune I wrote for the Troops coming Home from Iraq... Have a listen, thanks, Joe 1