We are looking to form a serious, unique, modern rock band.

Musically we're inspired by musicians as diverse as Radiohead, Sublime, Prodigy, early Vedder, Pumpkins, Beasties, Michael Hedges, Pat Metheny, to name a few. Currently we're into Interpol, Kasabian, Bloc Party, and Kaiser Cheifs, among others. But we don't sound like anyone in particular because we have a strong sense of our own style. You don't have to have the exact same influences as us. If you're a singer who can freestyle or a bassist with a little R&B in your blood then we can mix it up with our strong melodic and rythmic sensibilities and unique harmonic changes to create something truly bad-ass.

It can’t be stressed enough how dedicated you need to be so serious musicians only, please.

Suburban Disaster Friends