"Oceans of Tears" is a collective and the brainchild of Steve W. Boily, which develops rock and children's musicals, songs & videos. His music is written in a way the reaches people's hearts and connects with them deeply.

The 1980's and 1990's heavily influence his music. The classic rock genre has been incredibly inspiring for him. He aims to produce musical theatre and videos that are full of depth & substance.

The productions need to be "provocative" and can sometimes even leave viewers feeling "heavy" and "uncomfortable". However, the music is sure to get their hearts pumping, minds thinking, and feet stomping.

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This new rock track titled "IF LOOKS COULD KILL" released on CD Baby, February 25 is ready to set off a chain of emotions in its listeners.

It is part of a rock musical written by him titled "DROWNED IN A SEA OF TEARS". This track is about a woman "CHANTALE" who has had enough of the abuse that she has been facing from her alcoholic and drug induced husband, who has had enough of his abuse and decides to fight back.