Stephen Brunette is a poet and a picker.
Songs on this site comprise a musical journal,
a chronicle of an ongoing mid-life adventure.

The first collection ("Muse") was engineered by Jody Adams and produced by Mark Mosher. The second ("Escape to Reality") and third ("I Still Believe In Love") are homemade, performed and produced by Stephen in his home studio. A Midlife Adventure Trilogy.

A fourth ("Black Rock Morning") and a fifth ("The Manitou Boulder Line") are emerging from the home studio.

You may listen to the songs on this site free, as a gift,
and/or purchase them. Either way, thanks for listening!

All songs Copyright 2003-2009
Stephen A. Brunette (ASCAP)

Latest News

If you purchase any song from this site between July 28, 2008 and August 1, 2009, Stephen will donate:

10 cents to the Black Rock Arts Foundation,
10 cents to Burners Without Borders,
10 cents to Black Rock Solar
10 cents to The Golden Cafe.

If you choose to just listen to the music and not to purchase any songs, thanks for listening!

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Similar Artists

Jimmy Buffett, Bob Dylan, Neil Diamond, Dave Matthews, Hoyt Axton, Don Henley, etc.


Bob Dylan, Mason Williams, Jimmy Buffett, Don Henley, BB King, Rolling Stones, Stevie Ray Vaughan, REM, Eminem, etc.


About 40 years ago, Stephen wore out a 45 of Mason Williams' "Classical Gas" while picking along to the track. He still hasn't perfected a cover of the tune, but continues to aspire. In his early 20s (the 1970s) he wrote a bunch of songs, gigged around a bit and dreamed of being a rock star, but that didn't work out so he sold his gear (except an acoustic) and went to law school. He has continuously created songs over the years, and is now beginning to release them. Thanks for listening.

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