Started as a side project among friends, Tulsa, OK based Stars Go Dim quickly found a following on the internet via video blogs, before the first songs were actually recorded. Upon the release of their Stars Go Dim EP in October 2008, the group started getting a lot of regional and national press. Winning some of the biggest song writing contests in the world didn't hurt. Opening for major acts such as Switchfoot, Jonas Brothers, John Mayer, Justin Bieber, Chris Daughtry, Billy Joel, Elton John, and many others, also lead to the bands quick rise. Stars Go Dim released their first full length album "Love Gone Mad" on August 4, 2009. Stars Go Dim is working on new music and enjoying a bright future in

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Stars Go Dim

Started as a side project among friends, Tulsa, OK based Stars Go Dim quickly found a following on the internet via video blogs, before the first songs were actually recorded. Upon the release of their Stars Go Dim EP in October 2008, the group started getting a lot of regional and national press. Winning some of the biggest song writing contests in the world didn't hurt. Opening for major acts such as Switchfoot, Jonas Brothers, John Mayer, Justin Bieber, Chris Daughtry, Billy Joel, Elton John, and many others, also lead to the bands quick rise. Stars Go Dim released their first full length album "Love Gone Mad" on August 4, 2009. Stars Go Dim is working on new music and enjoying a bright future in 2010.


Jenna Bryson
over 30 days ago to Stars Go Dim

Really like your song "Get Over It". Was reviewing songs anonymously and yours came up twice (two different submissions) and I finally said to myself, "Self! We gotta figure out who this band/artist is," and luckily, I did (I'm a fine detective... and you named your song accurately, because I guessed right :o)