Retired professor, writer (fiction, non-fiction, poetry), composer (modern classical, alternative, avantgarde -- big! -- as well as a wide range of jazz), WW II vet, Emmy-award winner (as part of a team). Anxious to get plugged into the musical world in more than a "hit-or-miss" way. Please give me a listen, and drop me onto your site. Thanks!

Sonny B

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Give 'em a listen. They're all from my moody, reflective -- okay, weird -- side. Except for one, "Dyin' in the Sand," which is from my anti-war political side. The voice is mine. Don't be fooled by its youthful quallity -- that's just genes. Sorry, I can't sound like an old guy.

I've put a few artists on my site that "speak" to me -- that is, I dig what they're "saying," musically. And am much gratified by those who put themselves on my site. Very cool! Thanks!