Really a cool tune. Has a Beatles feel to it and at the same time a modern feel. Great lyrics and a really really nice voice. I really like the intro. Love the chord progressions.
First of all, you have a beautiful voice. I can tell that you were truly blessed with some natural vocal abilities. Your pitch and tone are both spot on. It was truly a pleasure to listen to your musical creation. I also very much enjoyed your lyrics. The lyrics were current and had an emotional impact. I very much enjoyed this song and I look forward to hearing more!!
I really enjoyed the lyrics to your song thank you for sharing. The music really goes along with the lyrics and your voice fits perfectly. Overall this is a good song and I would like to hear more from you in the future! My favorite part of the song is the intro chord progression it is simply beautiful!!
Very personally lyrics
"I've been in love since your "hello" "
A beautiful melody with haunting, lyrics that really tug on the emotions. The instrumentation is great and I really appreciate the first guitar which is well-executed and lends the sad feel that can cause listeners to come to tears. I feel this would do well in movies and on easy-listening charts.
vocals were good and instrumentation was good.
acoustic guitar sounds great as well a vocals really soothing
Very nice pop ballad. Good voice. Hints of Bryan Adams.
There's a nice chorus in here. The voice is one of the stronger assetts here, crisp and clear. Also like it when you add some elements as the song continues, incl. a couple of tasty guitar fills.