Remembering When / Country Cowboy

Song Length 1:24 Genre Country - Cowboy, Pop - Easy Listening

Here's an easy-going country instrumental. Nice instrumentation and mix.

So the good news is I really like the song, its interesting but more than that has a great feel and mood, really day dreamy, and hopeful. the playing was pretty good and the recording wasn't bad but there are a few things

I like the sound of the rhythm guitar and how it sounds with the drums.

Congratulations on your song. I enjoyed the quality of the instruments & it has a very nice melody.

A Blue Bayou feeling at first, but the bridge is more a jazzy theme, which is fine. The song is labeled country/cowboy but I feel that is the wrong label. The major seventh ending alone doesn't go with the cowboy/country label. But that's just a title. I chose "folk" from the limited choices in the pull-down list. It has a fairly pretty sound although the melody doesn't stand out as something special. The performance isn't quite on the money with regard to time/tempo.

This is a real easy-going song. Very easy-on-the-ears. I like the way you blend the instruments together. Very smooth. It would be nice to hear more songs like this on mainstream radio, but instrumentals are not the big thing today, even though this one is nicely-done. Sounds like there is a high level of musicianship in this song. This tune is as nice as most anything else you will hear in this genre. Some songs simply don't need words. The instruments supply their own words and draw their own pictures for the listener. This is one of those songs.

Music kenney Performance kenney
This track is on 2 Member Playlists
Playlist Creator Playlist Name Date Added
Uncle Spider & The Electric Dirt Clods Faiths Hill 3/10/2018
Uncle Spider & The Electric Dirt Clods Country 3/10/2018

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