Cause Rory Says So / Blues Rock

Story Behind The Song

Got an e-mail this morning as we all did from Bjam. some guy looking for "gritty blues rock" for something or other. Thought I'd give it a shot and write something gritty.

Song Description

anyone wanna co-write a gritty blues rock tune? Anyone...... anyone

Song Length 1:39 Genre Blues - Rock


went to similar artists but I didn't see Rory Gallagher. Hmm... How soon they forget.

It sounds just like every other track by this artist, only less professional.

some cool swampy lyrics would help

really cool original clean guitar arrangement

Nice tune and a catchy beat. Could be good for a movie score. I think you hav e a great idea here, sort of mix of Blues with a modern beat.

Cool little blues riffing tune, along with some slick slide work. Would make for a nice movie or tv soundtrack, maybe during a car or train ride while looking at some open fields .

guitar licks are nice without double stacking them

I can see sections of this in commercial spots.

Music kenney Performance kenney

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