I go by the name Earl H. (Howie) McCullers, a.k.a. Errick Howard, a.k.a. Shadow G215. I am formally from Manhattan (El Barrio) and starting in 2007 I now reside in Long Island (Huntington Station). I use to play Electric Bass & Guitar in small bands in my neighborhood until I developed Spinal cord damage that affect my fingers. Anyway I was always DJaying at the house parties given in the neighborhoods since grade school, my friends and their families would always put me in charged of setting up the sound systems and selecting and DJaying the music regardless of the language, style or tempo. They said I had a gift for knowing what makes the partiers jump up and dance, especially if they were tired, I never gave them a choice anyway! I had a chance to be involved with the Underground Clubs, Working around Larry Levan at the Paradise Garage on Houston Street. I just wanted everybody here at Broadjam to feel that we can talk about anything because it's all good! Peace Out! Shadow G215

Latest News

Shadow G215 has returned! After relocating to my new live-in studio in Long Island (Photos coming soon!) I can now focus on perusing my passion, it's all about the music!

About Shadow G215

I go by the name Earl H. McCullers Howie, a.k.a. Errick Howard, a.k.a. Shadow G215, a.k.a. DJ Emperor. I am formally from Manhattan (El Barrio) and starting in 2007 I now reside in Long Island (Huntington Station). I am a Musician (Guitar, Bass & Keyboards) Composer, Arranger, DJ, Producer (Audio & Video), Recording Engineer, Electronic Technician, PC Systems Designer, Web Developer, Photographer & Videographer (Commercial & Fashion), U.S. Veteran (Viet Nam Era). I have been engaged in most of these endeavors for over 42 years, yes I am a very serious old guy!!!!

I can't type but I hunt and peck alright, I just wanted everybody that visits any of my sites to feel that we can talk about anything because it's all good! I envisioned that this technology would empower all of us who had or have so much to contribute to humanity in the creative arts realm, through our passion for the music and the processes required to bring forth into the realm of existence from dimensions unseen and unknown but felt spiritually by Chosen Ones.

We the Chosen Ones have been bestowed with the immense task of transforming Negative Fields of Energy that burden all of humanity into Positive fields of Energy. We the Chosen Ones, while in our many creative states of conciseness are the chosen conduits to bring forth spiritually healing subatomic energy and facilitate the releasing of the Cosmic spiritually healing forces of the Universe freeing the earthbound souls! By manipulating the Audio Spectrums, which in turn directly influences the Central Nervous Systems of the Earth dwellers this in turn influences Bio-systems that control Heart Rates, Blood Pressures; Respiratory systems which in turn influence Carbon based Beings Emotions.

Combine this with the manipulation of the Universal Light Spectrums and its influence on Optic Nerves, well when you take a step back and just internalize this Reality into our own individual Bio-computers (The Human Brain) the function of the Artist from any field, initializing from the beginning of our Species ability to have thought, is to NEVER be taken for granted BY ANYONE! Remember without the CHOSEN ONES - Creative Earthbound Carbon Base Beings there can be no HUMANITY and without HUMANITY there can be no continuation of any SO-CALLED CIVILZATION

P.S. The MASSES Never changed anything, it was always the CHOSEN INDIVIDUALS that moved the MASSES, if you doubt me just look out on any dance floor from the DJ Control Booth and then stop the MUSIC, IF YOU DARE

Peace Out
Shadow G215


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