I am a songwriter/composer who has passed Grade Six Piano and write all my songs on keyboards.
I write both the lyrics and the music and write a variety of different music styles including ballads, love songs,rock,dance, and country and western.
I am a member of The Guild of International Songwriters and Composers and have all my songs recorded by them.

Cameron Ingram

I started playing the piano at seven years of age in which I was taught by my mother, and at seven years of age started professional piano lessons which I had for eight years with an excellent piano teacher.I passed Grade 1,2,3,4,5,6.I also passed O Level music and had a an excellent private tutor in music who taught me music theory. I was also head chorister at St John,s Church, Ben Rhydding, Ilkley for ten years and sang several solos.I now write songs which includes the lyrics and the music.I am a member of the Guild of International Songwriters and Composers and Scamp Studios who are part of the Guild, record all my songs.


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over 30 days ago to CAMERON INGRAM

Cameron if everyone in the world had a son like you this world would be a wonderful place.A beautiful song sung by a loving and son your Mum must be so proud of you.x

David James
over 30 days ago to CAMERON INGRAM

Thank you for your review of 'Some Kind of Girl' Your comments are much appreciated.
