I followed in my older sisters' footsteps and began piano lessons at early age. Strongly influenced by listening to them practice, I played by ear more than notation, and that has not changed. While I still respect and enjoy the classics, greatest influence was from what I heard on yearly trips to the mountains of East Tennessee, where my father's ancestors lived.

As an impressionable beginner in music, I was indelibly motivated by the robust piano playing of the country church's female pianist and the rich harmonies of the congregation. This mixed very naturally with the music I was hearing on my sisters' record player at home...Ray Charles, Sam & Dave, Wilson Pickett, Aretha Franklin.

This mixture produced the basic style I now seem to follow, though not exclusively. I have strong convictions that music, itself, is a gift from God, to enrich our lives. And for that reason I most often gravitate toward sacred/gospel.


Pond Hill Baptist Church congregation in eastern Tennessee, Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder, the Byrds, James Taylor, Carole King, the classics.


Born: far western Kentucky, 1956, to surprised parents in their 40's.

Parents both born and raised in Tennessee. Father hopped train at age 16 in 1928 and ended up in Montana on a ranch. Went back to Tenn in 1930's and found Louise. Passed restless spirit onto son.

Training: private piano lessons from age 5 to 18
Studied composition and theory at Western Ky Univ and Murray St University. Self-taught guitarist.

Avid Smokies hiker and photographer


This Artist has 1 Album


D Monroe
over 30 days ago to D Monroe

This is classic invitational hymn which many viewers will recognize and think I Surrender All as they listen.