"The guitar playing is phenomenal and quite original" Darryl Salach, Target Magazine.

For a project 5 years ago, magic brook started re-exploring alternate techniques and tunings on acoustic guitar. The result, "The Source", charted #14 on New Age Reporter radio chart 11/27/2008. The album gets radio play throughout the USA and in Europe.

"I'm fascinated by the sounds that steel and wood combined with two hands, one soul, can express." - magic brook.

Brook consistently tours in the United States and Western Europe as well as appearing as Featured Artist at the Zihautanejo International Guitar Festival in March 2006.

He has worked with roots greats Bo Diddley and Chuck Berry, and he has supported numerous national and local musicians in most American musical genres from folk and blues through jazz, swing, rock, soul, and country: Anne Hill, Linda Hirschorn, Opie Bellas, and T. Thorn Coyle, working in bands with players like Laurie Lewis, Michaelle Goerlitz, and Bruce Langhorn.

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