Linda Myers has been writing since age 11. Over the years, she's created her own venues by planning benefit concerts for various charities. This enables her to showcase her talent in a solo concert performance, while raising money for a good cause. Her efforts have raised thousands of dollars for charity.

Latest News

On April 7th, 2013, I'll be joining some stellar musicians in a benefit concert for Family Promise - an organization that assists homeless families. For more info., see my FB Page!!/LindaMyersMusic

Similar Artists

Joni Mitchell, Tori Amos, MaryBeth Chapin,


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A little more info...

I started writing music when I was 11. Early on I was influenced by classical music. My latest album, Something Is Different was a lot of fun to put together -- a lot more production than in the past. I perform rarely -- once or twice a year; mostly I just love the creative process of putting the music together.


This Artist has 3 Albums


Emmett North Jr.
over 30 days ago to Linda Myers

I really enjoyed your voice and 'Ground' is a beautiful song,much success,Emmett North Jr.

Ron Wilson
over 30 days ago to Linda Myers

This is so intriguing to me, it is definitely something no one else I have ever heard has even attempted to handle, but I struggle to get the picture and that little bit of hair generic makeup leads me to this, but without lyric sheet as I pointed out earlier, I doubt many would try to get the big picture. I think it is important, and reaking your TITLES as I listen, I am certain you have planned it all, now how do I find the time to listen to them all? But I must.

Ron Wilson
over 30 days ago to Linda Myers

I give this a 5 for the enchanting piana, and your beautiful sultry voice that we hear too little of today, and a pleasant song. I just wish you had posted the lyric sheet so we can read as it plays, it wold be helpful. And a lyric sheet is absolutely necessary when sending to any producer or publisher or they will not even listen. I love this song and performance.