Singer/songwriter based in the Midwest of the United States. For 12 years was the frontman of a local heavy-rock band and periodically throughout the years have released solo songs. Due to changing times and circumstances, my solo project, kristian keith, is my main focus. My music is guitar and melody driven from acoustic guitar to electric. Bringing together flavors of country, rock and hard rock.

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December 2011 released a new song, Savannah Heat. The first song in 10 years. This song is dedicated and inspired by my mom and dad who met in Jr. High and have been together ever since. They are a true love story. Through all their ups and downs my mom always told me their back up plan if all else failed was to go live on the beach to sell hot dogs. This song is about their love, their story and their influence on me.



This Artist has 1 Album


This Artist has 1 Video


Jeff Rauschl
over 30 days ago to Kristian Keith

Savanah Heat is great.. after ten years with out writing sounds like you should get busy. Good stuff.

1 Replies
Kristian Keith
over 30 days ago

Thank you Jeff.... really appreciate the positive feedback!

Radiation Mountain
over 30 days ago to Kristian Keith

Hi Kristian thanks for the helpful review of "The Lifeline". Hey "The Tide" has a lot of power in it!!



over 30 days ago to Kristian Keith

Very original piece. like the simplicity. Real subject matter. distinguishable voice. PEACE.THE MACK MAN OUT.

1 Replies
Kristian Keith
over 30 days ago

Thanks The Mack Man. Really appreciate it.