American composer, Henry Cowell, famously wrote, "I want to live in the whole world of music!" I feel the same way. I don't like being tied down to one particular style or school of thought. I want to combine all the different things I love about all kinds of music into something unique, beautiful, and personal. I hope to touch hearts, minds, and souls as deeply and fully as possible, whether it's with something that grooves, something that flows, or something that challenges.

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Writing and recording as much as I can. Collaborating with a number of amazing artists/writers: Janice Slater, Jack Clift, Wil Greenstreet, and numerous drummers, guitarists, bassists, and horn players. Lots of great music in the works!

Kirk Kadish

I grew up in Detroit, hearing spirituals sung around the house as a kid. I began piano lessons at seven & started gigging in high school. I started playing jazz while in college. Lived in Santa Fe for 8 years where I had a great time artistically. Moved to Nashville on a tip. My very first gig there was at the Bluebird Cafe, one of the premier showcase rooms in town. Not a bad start! But, I needed some stability, so I joined the Army as a musician. I spent 4 years teaching at the Armed Forces School of Music in Norfolk, VA. Then I landed a fantastic gig with the Army Field Band in Washington, DC, where I've been for the last 17 years. I tour about 100 days a year, all over the US & abroad. Highlights include having over 100k downloads of my music at & collaborating with amazing artists like Janice Slater, Jack Clift, and Wil Greenstreet.


This Artist has 9 Albums


This Artist has 1 Playlist


Kirk Kadish
over 30 days ago to Kirk Kadish

Man, there has GOT to be some way to get rid of all this spam email. It's debilitating!

David Bruce Davis
over 30 days ago to Kirk Kadish

Absolutely beautiful music Kirk. :)

1 Replies
Kirk Kadish
over 30 days ago

Thanks, David. I genuinely appreciate it! Dropping by "your place" for a visit now!

Kirk Kadish
over 30 days ago to Kirk Kadish

Drift #7 hit #1 on the New Age-Meditation charts here at Broadjam. Awesome!!