kiN is a female vocalist based in Stockholm Sweden. As well as having been signed to EMI music she has produced 3 full length albums. One, a debut album, on Some Pearls/Slask Records entitled "Sara" and two for Indie Blomkraft records. "Zombic Hunch" was the first full length album released on Indie Blomkraft records in 2005. "These Bombs Were Made For Us" is the follow-up second full length album soon to be released with Blomkraft records. Sinlge EP's include Sandman, Girl at the Station, Svenska Visor+Electronik, and Santa Claus am I good enough. Numerous videos incuding, Sandman(aired on MTV alternative), The Rose, Forecast of Doomsday, Angel(Daybehaviour Edit), Hu Har Jag FÃ¥tt Den Jag Vill Ha, and others are also available on YouTube and Google video.

Previews, links, full length tracks, singles EP's, and a kiN FanGroup are also available through KiN's music is available for purchase online with iTunes.

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kiN- Stockholm, Sweden

kiN is a female vocalist based in Stockholm Sweden. As well as having been signed to EMI music she has produced 3 full length albums. One, a debut album, on Some Pearls/Slask Records entitled "Sara" and two for Indie Blomkraft records. "Zombic Hunch" was the first full length album released on Indie Blomkraft records in 2005. "These Bombs Were Made For Us" is the follow-up second full length album released with Blomkraft records. Sinlge EP's include Sandman, Girl at the Station, Svenska Visor+Electronik, and Santa Claus am I good enough. Numerous videos incuding, Sandman(aired on MTV alternative), The Rose, Forecast of Doomsday, Angel(Daybehaviour Edit), Hu Har Jag FÃ?Â¥tt Den Jag Vill Ha, and others are also available on YouTube and Google video.

Previews, links, full length tracks, singles EP's, and a kiN FanGroup are also available through KiN's music is available for purchase online with iTunes.

kiN has performed extensively throughout Sweden and Europe at such venues as the Hultsfredsfestivalen, Arvikafestivalen, La Caux Arts festival, and also in Falun at a festival for alternative music. Interestingly, kiN also participated in a Swedish Vegan-compilation in 1997 "Defenders of the Oppressed Breed" and released a promo-ep called "Liberation" with 6 tracks from the debut album "Sara".