I am a composer /

sound designer / post audio engineer.

I love the space where sound and vision collide.

Music to picture is a passion of mine.

Feel free to contact me about your project. I have many compositions available for immediate licensing and, of course, I can compose to your vision as well.

Check out the "Sound Design" tab to see some of my recent music to picture work.


Kenneth W. Lovell Jr.

Latest News

I had a great time at SEIGE this past weekend. I got to hang out with some really interesting people in the game audio industry. There is always something cool going on...


Learning how to create and manipulate "sounds" is key to being an effective sound designer. As a sound designer, I am influenced by just about everything I hear. I loved the sound of the trains in Japan. I found an old set of handbells that sounded amazing, and added them to my own SFX libraries. I also taught myself how to play shakuhachi ( a traditional Japanese bamboo flute) in an effort to explore new sounds and textures.

Recording music on-location and in the studio is one of my favorite things to do. Of course, after the session, you have a plethora of new sounds to manipulate. I am constantly trying to better myself whether it is taking a course on Hindu singing, or getting my pro tools certification, or studying Japanese. Somehow, I feel having all of these disparate elements coalescing influences my work as a post audio engineer / sound designer.

Composer/ Sound Designer

Born in Gulfport, Mississippi in 1969. My first instrument was trombone, then to piano, then to guitar. I have always loved music, and begged my mom to give me piano lessons when I was a kid. From playing in bands, I began to try recording. Eventually working in various studios in the Atlanta area. I have had the chance to record everything from punk rock bands to traditional Hindu prayer music to country to latin/salsa music. All of this "MUSIC" recording led me to POST audio. I am lucky, in that, I feel comfortable as a sound designer as well as an audio engineer. Having years of experience working in recording studios as an engineer / musician / producer helps me to see the "Big Picture." Whether it is the perfect foley sound or the perfect sound track, I feel that being as multi-facted as possible will help make the audio the best it can be.

Lights, Camera, Sound

I would catagorize myself a Post Audio Engineer/Sound Designer. I wear those hats at different times during a typical day. I feel comfortable sorting through tons of SFX just to get the perfect SAAABOOOSH! I also feel comfortable setting up microphones and dropping garbabge cans from a 3rd story window. At the end of the day, it is all about finding that perfect "SOUND" to make the visual really POP or KABLAM or SHEEEEKAAAADOOOOOM!
It's fun.


This Artist has 19 Videos


Chet Nichols
over 30 days ago to Kenneth W. Lovell Jr.

Hey Ken,

I really love your work and your "sound & attitude"... thanks for sharing!


Chet Nichols