"Glad you stopped by. Time is flying, so any listening time you put in is a gift."

Ken Kahn has been a songwriter and musician since his teen years in NY. His thoughts on the process and purpose of songwriting:

- Songs should be accessible, but not TOO accessible. If you can sing along on the first try, that's TOO accessible. But if you've got the hook rattling around in your head after the fourth listen, that's about right.
- Every song has its own destiny. I don't look for a consistent sound between songs -- each one eventually tells me how it should sound, what the arrangement and vocals should be. While each CD may have an overall feel, each song usually stands alone.
- Songs are like really, really short stories, with nods to plot and character.
- Leave something to the listener's interpretation most of the time. Words can spell things out clearly, but they can also create a fog that the listener has to peer through to find personal meaning.

So Far

Born NYC (Brooklyn.
Currently 30 miles west of Boston.
In between, lived in Clevland, NY, Philadelphia.
Not at the same time, technically speaking.
3 years of piano from age 9.
Started picking (finger-picking, thanks to 2 lessons from older brother) at age 13.
Song-writing a constant thread in my particular journey.
Wife, two daughters, and a dog named Zoe. Surrounded by females, as previously requested.


This Artist has 1 Album


over 30 days ago to Ken Kahn

Great song. Love the fingerpicking & lyrics. Songcrafting at its best.

Chris Boyden
over 30 days ago to Ken Kahn

Great songs! I enjoyed listening to them!

Ken Brown
over 30 days ago to Ken Kahn

Hi Ken - Thanks for your insightful review of my song 'Goodbye should never be in springtime'. I like the tips on your bio. I think the same pretty much, but maybe go for first or second time for accessibility - Ken