Kat Howe is an up and coming LA-based singer-songwriter. Her songs are unique, indie-pop songs with a bit of romanticism, classical and jazz aspects and a splash of commercial accessibility. Howe's flair for melody and lyric beckons her listeners to go beyond the presumably familiar. She brilliantly wields her coy and unassuming vocal with such subtle ease that you can easily miss her musical guile and sophistication.

Howe's Freshman album, Paris, will be released on iTunes October 11, 2014 and captures a broad spectrum of storytelling, including elements of merciless heartache, sardonic wit, and unbridled revelry. Her single, Paris, was performed with rave reviews by award-winning jazz artist, Chris Williams, at Orange County's critically acclaimed Steamers, Jazz Club and Cafe. To date, her songs have garnered accolades of "Enchanting!" from S1 Studios (Orange County's Award-winning recording studio) and "Superb!" from TAXI (The World's Leading Independent A&R Company).

Latest News

The album release party is over (and was fun). My album "Paris" is now on ITunes! Please check it out or buy a copy if you so desire at:


I can also mail you a copy, just message me and we'll figure out the details.

Singer-songwriter from Costa Mes

I am a 36 year old singer-songwriter (geologist day job :)) from Costa Mesa. I began taking voice 8 years ago and started songwriting around then when I realized I could be good at it. Since then, i have had some adversity including thyroid cancer and losing my voice, but I am glad to say I am doing better and have been writing more songs! In the past year, I have been studying songwriting and working on artist development with Moses Toth. I have been recording demos at Session1 Studios in Fullerton and these are posted on this site! It has been a lot of fun and I hope to keep doing new songs every month or two. So far, people have really liked my songs and I think the sincerity comes through.


This Artist has 1 Album


This Artist has 1 Playlist


Nick Fuse
over 30 days ago to Kat Howe

Kat, You never fail to calm me with you beautiful voice. Merci! - Nic

1 Replies
Kat Howe
over 30 days ago

Thanks, de rien and merci for the comments tres gentiles.

Ron Wilson
over 30 days ago to Kat Howe

As a poet, Vee Bdosa the Doylestwn Poet, I have written a lot about Paris experiences, especill Monsieur L'Vampyre and Madamoiselle L'Vampyre, his sister, from my 2 years living just south of Paris. Go back? It is not the sametoday. It is gone, destroyed. Sad but true.

1 Replies
Kat Howe
over 30 days ago

Yes, it has changed I agree, but there is still some charm left.

Ron Wilson
over 30 days ago to Kat Howe

FADE. This certainly has the sound o the Paris I knew back I the 60's. I could relate his soud to some of NinaSimone, Je Ne Quite Pas, for example, if youhave not heard it try the youtube files she is there. I like this a lot.

1 Replies
Kat Howe
over 30 days ago

Thank you, I will check out Nina Simone though I think I have heard the song.