This site contains a compilation of different genres of music written by JP Savino.
Check out JP's latest album Transitions here on this site.
It has some nice laid back grooves to put you in the right headspace.
Thanks for checking it out. Stay a while and have a listen.
Love & Peace

Latest News

Setting up my page with new music so you can check it all out and my new upcoming CD called Transitions.

Joe Savino - Musician / Composer

I've been a professional musician for almost 30 years playing big & small stages and many Studio sessions with bands as a freelance player.
I have years of experience in Recording Studios and live stage. I've plaved some gigs in front of thousands of people and small intimate rooms around NYC & NJ for not as many.
Recorded on various artists CD's at the Record Plant NYC, RCA NYC, Showplace NJ, City Lights NJ and a few others.
I've been around music since an early age with my brother who had been manager of the world famous Doobie Brothers through the 70's getting to meet famous musicians and influential people throughout my musical development years. It was a blast, I've jammed with members form the band 38 special, on one special occasion been on a jingle with Aretha Franklin to hanging behind a mixing console with Jack Douglas / Aerosmith's producer.
I'm a very serious musician as this is all I do.
I write music for Film & TV and have been fortunate enough to get a few of my songs in a film.
I'll just keep on this journey until it's time has run out.
Thanks for checking me and my music out! Stay well, JS


This Artist has 1 Album