John has written songs of many styles over the years however, the majority haven't been recorded yet. The music here was recorded in the '80s at Bullfrog Studio in Vancouver, with his partner Alan Rempel. It was called The 'Jordan Loud' project and was intended as a demo. His songs could be covered in several genres and by many different artists. For instance, 'Just Once' would be perfect for a voice like Tina Turner and 'Oh Oh' could suit a Justin Bieber type performer. The possibilities are endless. As with many 'artists', John is not very proficient with the business side. That's where Broadjam comes in. John Needs Help connectiong his songs with performers. In the meantime, he's attmpting to recover old recordings and demos that have disappeared and working on getting all his unrecorded songs, recorded.


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Good sounds!

John Conrad Jordan, songwriter Friends