I work with various artists and writers. I am always looking for new projects of any style. I can write from scripts, concepts, of ideas. I one day hope to be a songwriter with material placed with artists, in movies, commercials and just about anywhere someone might listen. Feel free, if you have a project that needs lyrics, to contact me. I write contemporary, childrens, pop, country, etc.

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i just placed a song in a movie...last scene into the rolling credits..yea


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over 30 days ago to jodylynn talevi

nice chords!

I could relate to the lyrics very much so..
The artist that sang this song was great...

David James
over 30 days ago to jodylynn talevi

Jodylynn. Forgive my unsolicited message, but I assume that you were selected for the Nicole Wray placement, as was I. May I ask if you've received any communication since? And do you know what Nicole's plans are? I would message all the winners but it seems the original list of competition winners has been deleted, (or maybe I deleted the link in error). Any info would be gratefully received. If I've stumbled upon you in error, and the Nicole Wray competition isn't relevant to you then forgive my intrusion!

2 Replies
jodylynn talevi
over 30 days ago

Yes i was selected also but nothing happened a big nothing

David James
over 30 days ago

Thanks Jodylynn. It looks like we're all in the same boat. David