songwriter first; singer second
i think i have some interesting perspectives on life through song
song ideas often hit my brain full-speed, and hopefully i do justice getting my points across...seriously, or not so seriously

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hope you like what ya hear! tell your friends, family;...heck, enemies, if you must...i'd really like to get these songs out there! i think you'll get a kick out of them. take these songs light-heartedly. they speak of real life to a large degree, but with a comical bent. life, at times, shouldn't be taken too seriously!!!!!!!! ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

gettin' the "itch"

itchweed?...not your ordinary a big brother?...some nicknames just stick

country music heritage? dad was a uncle was a a kid, my best friend's dad was a trucker...growing up, country music filled my airwaves! it seems only natural that one day i'd return to my musical roots...and can you believe, i became a trucker too

songs?...i thoroughly enjoy writin' songs...may not be the best, but it's a passion of mine

singin'?...i'll do in a's definitely fun!!!

itchweed Friends