Ilkka Lehti, drummer, songwriter and home recording enthusiast. Born in Pelkosenniemi, Lapland, Finland. That's about 200 clicks into the Arctic Circle. Raised in the small mining town of Kirkland Lake in Northern Ontario, Canada. His father was a multi instrumentalist musician and mother was a published poet, so just like his two brothers before him he got the music bug quite young and then started writing tunes in his teens. Ilkka is now living and working out of Toronto, Canada. Ilkka has had the pleasure of touring extensively in Finland with rock and roll bands. His writing styles have many influences, from blues to rock to pop to old school rhythm and blues to country. More and more he's trying to push the envelope to other styles too.

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Ilkka Lehti

Born in Pelkosenniemi, Lapland, Finland and grew up in Kirkland Lake, Ontario, Canada, a mining town in the heart of Northern Ontario. First band he joined was The Knights of the Camelot Order who were already well established in the area. Ilkka still plays with the Knights as some of the members are still active musically. Ilkka resides in Toronto and has been playing professionally there for many years. Recent recording projects include a CD he did with his brothers, Esa and Jon. The three of them, known as the Lehti Brothers, called their CD "Rockin' For Freedom".


Ilkka Lehti
over 30 days ago to Ilkka Lehti

radiator man

over 30 days ago to Ilkka Lehti

ilkka sounds great

1 Replies
Ilkka Lehti
over 30 days ago

Thank you. I see you are from Kirkland. I'm from Kirkland Lake, a little further north.

over 30 days ago to Ilkka Lehti

also as I'm on the sudject of doing the CD up and covers for it, I think will called the CD, Ilkka Lehti - Lapland to Kirkland and Back... ??? just having fun ok for myself... anyhow good stuff will be watching for others in the future Ilkka.

2 Replies
Ilkka Lehti
over 30 days ago

Ha ha, yeah, I'm the only one in the family that did make it back, so far anyway. Thanks for keeping in touch.

Ilkka Lehti
over 30 days ago

I'm hoping I can ride the Northlander one more time and shoot some video before they take it off the rails. It'd be a good one.