A songwriter who can span several genres,from Singer/songwriter, electropop to Cinematic soundtracks. Always innovative, but always respecting the wealth of songwriting talent out there.
U.K. based, but has toured as singer/songwriter with british Indie bands in the 90's.
Everything I want to do in music feels like it should be cinematic in some respect or other, that is what I feel at the moment, so I intend to exploit it to the full. Always developing and always changing.

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2 singer/songwriter efforts up, more of the buggers on the way, cant stop the flow at the moment until I get them out of my system......


This Artist has 1 Video


Thank you for the very kind review of my music! I appreciated your comments, too. I look forward to hearing your music! Best regards, Kelly

1 Replies
Dave Kelly (Composures)
over 30 days ago

My pleasure Kelly, I decided to click the 'random' button instead of by genre, and was pleasantly rewarded!
Kindest regards, Dave

Dave - Thanx for the review of "FP009" - For a Hobbyist trying to turn Pro, uplifting comments like yours will take me a long way. We should 'Connect' - talk 2 U soon.


1 Replies
Dave Kelly (Composures)
over 30 days ago

No problem my good man, it was a piece that stood out for me, yes a connection would be great.

Kind regards Dave

over 30 days ago to Dave Kelly (Composures)

Thanks for your review Dave - sorry about the 32 second snip - there were some uploading probs which have been solved now. You can hear the total version soon.
Thanks again - kind regards,

2 Replies
Dave Kelly (Composures)
over 30 days ago

ok Till thanks, I will check it out and give you your review direct!
kind regards, Dave

over 30 days ago

Thanks Dave....