I spent my whole adult life working for an international aviation company based in shannon airport,ireland.My job,plus making a home and raising a family did'nt give me much time for anything else,but all those years music,songwriting was my unceasing passion.I grew up in the sixties and was just lost in the music.but my job and family had to come first.I finally quit working a couple of years ago and started songwriting and performing in earnest.september 09 I entered a song which I had written in the boston folk festival songwriting competition.I was chosen as one of the five finalists out 350 entries. I went to boston,competed and won the contest !yipee.I just recently rejoined broadjam and have submitted two new songs.More coming !


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Conor Sheehan
over 30 days ago to Conor Sheehan

Last September I was very proud to be invited to perform at the Boston Mass,Memorial Ceremonies for the 9/11 10th Anniversary.The event was held at the State House .It was an unforgettable occasion with all the flags and banners ,the city dignitaries and all the firemen and policemen in beautiful dress uniforms.I felt so privileged to be asked to open the ceremonies with an anthem"Never Yield" which I had written and dedicated to all the victims and heroes on 9/11.A day never to be forgotten.