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over 30 days ago to Sonic Psyops

I saw your profile to day at this site ,It is my pleasure to contact you,i Am searching for a sincere and trusted man for true relationship that may lead to anything and i believe i have found you.You can contact me through my email address (
Looking forward to hear from you soonest.Have a nice day,Susan.

Sonic Psyops
over 30 days ago to Marie Budinsky-Maher

Hello Marie,
Thank you for an in depth and meaningful review of "Child's Play." Some of the concerns you addressed were some of the same issues I have with the piece. So, at least I know I'm not going crazy.

Thanks again and I look forward to hearing some of your selections. Sonic Psyops

Tolu Oridota
over 30 days ago to Sonic Psyops

Thanks so much for well thought out review! I really appreciate your attention to detail

over 30 days ago to Sonic Psyops

hey sonic,when i get the time,i'm gonna listen some more-i like your stuff/thanks-joe.

Sonic Psyops
over 30 days ago to NashvilleJoe

Hello Nashville Joe,
Hey, thanks so much for your perfect (40 out of 40 score) review of my Classical piece, Child's Play. I'm glad you enjoyed the piece and, for me, that's all that matters.

Take care and good luck to you in your future musical endeavors

Vi: 00110110
over 30 days ago to Sonic Psyops

and I mean that in the best possible way...:)

Vi: 00110110
over 30 days ago to Sonic Psyops

Sonic: Great #@$%ing review on I repent. I have to wonder if you knew it was me. Made my day.


Sonic Psyops
over 30 days ago to Dave Barta.

Hello Dave,
Thank you for your review of "El Pato..." and thank you for the kind comments I'm glad you enjoyed the piece.

Take care and good luck to you in your future musical endeavors.

Sonic Psyops
over 30 days ago to Ed Dunn

Thank you for taking the time to write a useful and constructive review of my piece, "El Pato ..." You scored it 25 out of 25. Wow! I'm glad you enjoyed the piece and that's all that matters to me.
Take care.

Sonic Psyops
over 30 days ago to Remains to be Seen

Thank you for your recent review of my Classical piece, "Analia De Buenos Aires," and thank you for the kind comments. The constructive comments you wrote are very useful and I appreciate you taking the time to write them.
Good luck to you in your future musical endeavors.

Sonic Psyops
over 30 days ago to Melsi

Thank you for your review of my Classical piece, "El Pato (Una Vida Nueva)" and thank you for the kind comments. Yes, I was kind of thinking along the lines of a war movie soundtrack too.
Thanks again and good luck to you in your future musical endeavors.

Sonic Psyops
over 30 days ago to Vi: 00110110

Hey Pro,
Thank you for yet another brilliant and helpful review. I don't know if anybody tells you this enough but I, for one, appreciate the time you take in writing your thought provoking reviews. Even the reviews with A LOT of constructive comments are helpful to me because I care more about the comments than the scores.
Also, thanks for that encouraging post you left on my page last week. Take care

Hello Allan,
Thank you for your recent review of my Classical piece "Child's Play" and thank you for the kind comments. Yes it is a Baroque/Classical styled piece and thank you for noticing.
Well form one piano teacher to another, take care and good luck to you in your future musical endeavors

Sonic Psyops
over 30 days ago to Damon Bray

Hello Damon,
Thank you for the perfect review of my Classical piece, "Child's Play," and thank you for the kind and thoughtful comments. I'm glad you enjoyed the piece and for me that's all that matters. Also, you wrote a thorough and in depth review that is very useful to me and I apreciate you taking the time to do so.
Take care and good luck to you in your future musical endeavors.

Sonic Psyops
over 30 days ago to TRIK

Hello Trik,
Thank you for the near perfect review of my Classical piece, "Child's Play," and thank you for the very kinds comments. I'm quite fond of the German seating in my Chamber pieces which places 1st violins stage left and 2nd violins stage right. I take advantage of this spatial relationship by tossing phrases back and forth between the 1st and 2nd violins. I think you heard the tossing, and not panning, but thank you for noticing.
Thanks again and good luck to you in your future musical endeavors.

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

My apologies for the misunderstanding over the panning/tossing. All the best - Trik.

Wow good stuff,

I just close my eyes and travel with it in my head....I can visualize so many types of scenes with your stuff that I would tell you do not overlook scoring for motion pictures......but then you probably already have something in mind for such an event... as you seem to be ahead of the curve, don't get freaked out if one day you get an unsolicited email from the fat ratz begging you to do a George Martin on one of their know how ratz are they won't go away unless ya "join em" or have em exterminated!

Little Stevie & the Fat Ratz

1 Replies
Sonic Psyops
over 30 days ago

That's very kind of you Stevie. Thank you for your vote of confidence.Kinds regards to you and the fat Ratz.

Sonic Psyops
over 30 days ago to Audio*Otic

Hey guys,
Just writing to thank you for your recent review of my Classical piece, "El Pato (Una Vida Nueva)" and to thank you for your very kind comments.

Thanks again and good luck with your debut album.

Sonic Psyops
over 30 days ago to Russell Bayne

Hi Russell,
Thank you for your recent review of my Classical piece, "El Pato (Una Vida Nueva)" and thank you for the kind words.
Good luck to you in your future musical endeavors.

Vi: 00110110
over 30 days ago to Sonic Psyops

I just wanted to take the time to stop by and leave a comment for Jason. Recently I reviewed several of his works and must say that he is certainly one of the most promising members I've had the privilege of stumbling across on this site.

He uses a wide variety of timbres to shape wonderfully textured music perfect for independent film and multimedia alike. He is very skilled in composing, and even though he's no James Horner, I have no doubts that perhaps one day he can accomplish as much as my idle has professionally.

If given the opportunity to work with this man, I'd think twice before looking another way, his work and craftsmanship is of a rare blend of professionalism and rich texture that shouldn't be taken lightly.


1 Replies
Sonic Psyops
over 30 days ago

You're so kind. Thank you

Sonic Psyops
over 30 days ago to Vi: 00110110

Hey Pro,
Ya know, you really should consider charging $$$ for your in depth, intelligent and thorough reviews. If only you knew how much I appreciate them.
You're right, the guitar is panned too far and I've fixed that with a remix that I just haven't uploaded yet.
"Analia De Buenos Aires" is my attempt at creating a Romantic/Spanish mood so you probably right about the lack of an emotional climax since Romance themes really aren't my thing but I'm surprised that you scored as high as you did. Thanks for the vote of confidence. You know how I feel about James Horner so, NO! that was not JH that you heard LOL.
Thanks again Pro and 'til next time.

1 Replies
Vi: 00110110
over 30 days ago

General Overview
What Genre is most appropriate for this song? Classical

Song Analysis
Does this song have market potential? 4/5

Would you like to hear more from this artist? 5/5

Quality of the Hook 2/5

Quality of Instrumentation 5/5

Quality of Recording 5/5

Quality of Arrangement 3/5

Originality of Song 4/5

Overall Rating 3/5

Positive Comments
Would be a decent cue for a film. I'm imagining a walk through the kingdom... Camera slowly panning overhead of the village as peasants do business in the local market, making its way to the front gates as merchants try to convince the guard to let them into the castle, inside the more wealthy go about their day until finally the camera makes its way up the castle wall to reveal a princess on her balcony being suited by tailors. You get the idea...

Constructive Comments
Not sure how I feel about the guitar being hard panned right on open. The arrangement never really took me anywhere. It did a great job of setting a theme, but it didn't start to tell me a story till the very end around 4:00 when you slowed it all down briefly and got a little emotion into the arrangement. I felt like you had a great use of timbres, but like so many wonderful compositions I hear on this site, it struck me as a play on a scale, and less a play on emotion. I like stories with chapters... this was only a single chapter in my mind, it was well delivered, but what you were serving needs a little more spice to provide the hook that grabs me. It never really built to climax or had any definitive moments where it all came together and laid it down. Also... Was that a little James Horner I heard in the scales there? There was a moment or three where you pulled out with a very familiar sequence of notes, could be my imagination, and even if its not, there are only so many notes to play off of in the spectrum so, no biggie. Hope it helps.

Sonic Psyops
over 30 days ago to Wayne Hager

Hey Wayne,
I'm writing to thank you for your recent review of my Classical piece, "Child's Play" and to thank you for your kind comments. I'm glad I was able to take you "to a nice place."
Good luck to you in your future musical endeavors.

1 Replies
Wayne Hager
over 30 days ago

Thanks! It really is great work!

Sonic Psyops
over 30 days ago to Pete Hansen

Hey Pete,
thank you for your near perfect review of my Classical piece, "El Pato..." and thank you for your kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed the piece.
Take care.

Sonic Psyops
over 30 days ago to Bander Productions

Hi there and thanks for your recent reviews of my Classical pieces, "Analia De Buenos Aires," "Child's Play" and "El Pato..." Also, thank you for the kind words and I hope you enjoyed the pieces.
Take care and good luck to you in your future musical endeavors.

Sonic Psyops
over 30 days ago to The Shoal Lights

I'm writing to thank you for your recent review of my Classical piece, "Child's Play" and to thank you for your kind comments.
Good luck to you in your future musical endeavors.

Sonic Psyops
over 30 days ago to Alex Legg

Hi Alex,
Thanks for your review of "Child's Play." I will be re-recording that piece soon and I will take your constructive comments into consideration thanks for taking the time to write.

Hi Jason,
I'm writing to thank you for your kind review of my Classical piece, "El Pato ..." You reviewed it about a week ago and I'm just catching up to my 'thank you' letters.
I'm glad you enjoyed the piece and good luck to you in your musical endeavors.

Sonic Psyops
over 30 days ago to John Hansen

Hello John,
A week ago you reviewed my Classical piece, "El Pato (Una Vida Nueva)" and I appreciate the high scores and wonderful review.
Take care

Hey there Little Stevie,
thank you for your kind review of my Classical piece, "Analia De Buenos Aires." Yes, the piece is supposed to have a Latin flavor to it so thank you for noticing.
Good luck to you in your future musical endeavors and give my regards to the FatRatz for me.

Sonic Psyops
over 30 days ago to Incredible Hank

Thank you for your review of my Classical piece, "Child's Play," and thanks for your positive comments. I'm glad you enjoyed the piece.

Take care and good luck to you in your future musical endeavors.

Sonic Psyops
over 30 days ago to beverly graham

Hello beverly,
thanks so much for your perfect review of my Classical piece, "Child's Play." I'm glad my piece put some joy in your day and, for me, that's all that matters. take care.

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