
Previous Comments

over 30 days ago to Saiah

Hi, glad to be connected to you, if you ever want any Professional Production or Mastering work done by a studio based in the United Kingdom, then just send us an email at We don't ask for fixed prices, we talk to see what the artiste can afford. please check out our newest songs on broadjam-these are some members who we have helped, also if you get time check out our main website

Thanx for reading and hopefully it will be cool to work with you in the future

Str productions

Web 'n Retail Music Marketing
over 30 days ago to Saiah


My name is Kimberlie, I work for a company called Web 'n Retail and we specialize in web marketing. I know Independent bands like yours don't have a lot of money to spend, but I also know that D.I.Y is the future of the business and we want to give you a hand.

We are very excited to offer our brand new Indie artist 6-month subscription marketing campaign at just $100 a month. If you have four band members, that's merely $25 per band member per month. We charge record labels $2012 for the same services. Take a look at some of the artists that we've previously provided our services for.

Partial Client List:

Click here to see everything we will do for you for just $100 a month.

If you are serious about getting your new album or single out there, our subscription package does just that; it gets the word out in a big way and drives traffic to your website of choice. Additionally, our services more often than not put your album or track(s) at the top of many Google searches as well!

Over the course of 6 months, we will post your info and music 10 times every month on news aggregator and bookmark sharing sites. We'll e-blast your info and music to 2000 radio stations or 2000 press sites. We'll post on 10 major PR distribution sites, and we'll get you exposure in clubs and with DJs and podcasters; if you have a video, we'll also get you exposure in restaurants, hotels, clothing stores, theme parks, and on cruise ships. To round off our 6 month campaign, we will include your music in our virally marketed monthly top 10 CD or download list, and finish up by submitting your URL of choice to 75,000 global search engines. Before we start the process, we will also help you sign up with royalty organizations so that you will be paid for any of your music played on the Internet or in clubs.

If any of this sparked your interest, e-mail me back here or give me a call at 818.453.8777
Check out our website here --