
Previous Comments

Ron Wilson
over 30 days ago to Jamey

I usta live in Wichita, and Elsworth and Lyons and Fredonia, and was born in Arkansas City just south of Wichita. I like FOR THE LOVE OF LOVE a lot, have you thought of lyric for it?

David Austin
over 30 days ago to Jamey

Hi Jamey, I heard of you through being on Felice Kaye-Cooper's connection list. I have listened to your songs and I was impressed with the wonderful ethereal quality of the melody. I did think though that 'Destiny Road' could benefit from some sort of drums and possible bass. I also wondered whether you thought of considering the idea of adding some 'lyrics' to any of your compositions. I say this because if you were able to do this I think the songs might be elevated somewhat. I do like though the dreamy type of melody you are creating! Keep it up!

over 30 days ago to Jamey