
Previous Comments

John Mac
over 30 days ago to William Cronin

Thanks for the 5 star review of Bones William....Enjoy your work too..I like Loved in a Song...Best of Luck signing to Libraries etc..Hopefully you are having some luck

Randall Mark
over 30 days ago to William Cronin

Hi William, thx for the generous review feedback of Wonder Boy. It has been selected by a couple providers. One exclusive contract was offered but I did not sign. It's being pitched now by "Tinderbox" for non-exclusive placement. But so far no placement. But that is what I would really like to see happen.
I LOVE your song "One". Beautiful flowing guitar and vocals. Reminds me of Paul Stukie "Wedding Song" which is one of my favorites. I'll try to hear more of your songs when I have more time.

2 Replies
William Cronin
over 30 days ago

Thank you so much Mark , i have been listening to your work that i have seen many times in the top 10 , i am a true fan of your work ... top class!!! . Thank you sincerely for all the stars , great to connect and delighted "Wonder boy" is out there , my Nan would say "you never know what cow will calf next" so hopefully opportunity is just around the corner .
Warm Regards

Randall Mark
over 30 days ago

Much appreciate. Credit for Wonder Girl goes to the singer, she was only 13 when she put the vocals down. And my producer put the very beautiful keyboards and music. I just wrote the guitar, melody and lyrics.

Hi William , thanks for the review of Photo In The Hall . I'm always fascinated by the different reactions I get to my songs , this one especially ! Naturally , I love it just the way it is , but I don't expect it to be everyone's cup of tea . Thanks again for listening .

William Cronin
over 30 days ago to Autumn Knight

Hi Autumn , firstly congrats on the hot 100 for "outline" , second on the coolest name in the music biz "brilliant" , you have an amazing sound and your production is top class and then more ..... but what drew me in was i could sense real emotion in you songs like "Start again" , again huge congrats and i wish the very best on your journey.
Warm Regards William.

1 Replies
Autumn Knight
over 30 days ago

Hi William, thank you so much for the sweet message! So happy you love Outline. I pour my heart into all my music and it brings me joy to know that you can feel that. Start Again is a very special song to me as well. I have more exciting music coming out this year. It's such an honor to have won the hot 100 contest. Have an amazing week and happy new year! 💕 Autumn

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to William Cronin

William, what's your story and how did you get started in music?

5 Replies
William Cronin
over 30 days ago

Thank you for asking Jim , it was like Homer Simpson buying Marge a bowling ball for Christmas , when i was 18 years old and had never picked up a guitar, i bought my then girlfriend a black Acoustic Guitar and a book of chords , and during the weeks before Christmas i started to learn a few chords , and once i created a chord or two my automatic reaction was to word sounds and lyrics , my girlfriend did get to hold the Guitar that Christmas Day , i did promise to bring it back and a promise is a promise so my girlfriend became my wife just so we could be closer and i love her dearly , and she now sits here long side me at my side in the studio on a neat little stand .ðŸ'‰ ðŸ'‰
So i have always dabbled since that moment but around 7 years ago , i knew i loved it too much not to commit , so i decided to go on this journey of learning until my fingers stop moving (and i really mean that) , i love the mystery and magic and the craft , its such a powerful way to connect to people and i love the people in the business , it feels right in every way and finally the pieces are coming together , the songs are getting better , my voice seems to be improving , that wasn't the plan , but works well for my genre . I try to learn every day as if it was my first song because for me every song is connected , my last good song only exists because of the 10 rubbish songs in between , and here i am today still grafting every day between the gaps of the real world , and i wouldn't change a single hard that has passed , its a real joy to create and share the music...thanks you for asking Jim what about yourself , how did you get started , i can sense your passionate about your craft also.

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

Well, where do I start?
Firstly I enjoy your sound. What I have heard I like. I'm sure your good lady is proud of what you are achieving: Even for yourself! Licensing will come if you have enough diversity of songs to match the music needs of tomorrow. There are so many topics and genre that need new music. I have noticed that drinking songs are needed if you have any!
Did your wife actually take up the guitar?
My wife is a sounding board for new Lyrics I write.
You will have experienced where you can say something two or three ways! We sometimes need that detached point of view.
I started by writing poems for the family at birthdays. Nothing grand but always highlighted their personal traits
In 2019 I found myself scribbling verses while my wife was watching telly or reading. The very first Poem Epic was a very long story about a shy farmer who did not drink and was forced to go to the local dance in the village hall by his "Friends", who spiked his milk with the amber nectar! He meets a young lady and they basically have a dancing duel and end up married.
Don't know where the idea came from. It just appeared!
My scribblings were becoming songs and stories. When Covid stories of personal loss were shown on breakfast tv, I was so moved that I wrote, "The Promise"!
I had to alter the lyrics to make it a marketable length.
Covid Lockdown made me look to the internet to have my songs realised!
I found the site "Fiverr" for musicians and singers and I have never looked back.
In a year I have had great personal satisfaction from my various achievements.
I am finding it a bit more difficult to get the right sound I want in my songs.
We will see where time and tide take me.

William Cronin
over 30 days ago

Hi Jim , so she never took up the Guitar, her song weaves in and out the rooms as she potters , she loves to sing , how interesting you highlighted their traits in the poems and still in your songs , we the listener connect because we find ourselves in the songs its a powerful craft and the more we see of ourselves the more we want so we press play again.
Jim it looks like the whole Covid era was a turning point for you , i am glad we get to hear your music , your craft of story shines , it connects , so may many stories yet to be told , so make us smile and cry Jim , there both good in a song , have a great week

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

Just a quicky William!
Go play my latest instrumental!
It's right up your street in Ireland!
Put up the Volume and wait for the bridge Crescendo!
It's called:
Uilleann Promise!
If this doesn't stir your National passion, then nothing will!

William Cronin
over 30 days ago

Jim , my first tought was wouldnt that make a lovely " coming up the isle wedding song" small church out in the country , it's got the character . Great to have the instrumental , truly beautiful peice.

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to William Cronin

Seriously love it! Just in bed and opened emails so what a delight!
I am not here to boost your ego, but I can honestly say it was hauntingly beautiful. It's only my opinion but I reckon you have quite a unique style. Need a Manager? Promise you will consider putting it forward for opportunities! Nice one awilliam. Good choice! Musically it inspires me to pick up the guitar and play a new melody!

1 Replies
William Cronin
over 30 days ago

Thank you Jim , i am delighted it connected , if only it was easy to repeat the process and capture the magic every time , i am hoping it will find a project that it can enhance , you never know... but its with a great publisher now , its what i love about songwriting you never know !!!.

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to William Cronin

William Cronin, your, "Beautiful Night" is a truly Crackin' Beautiful Song! It Reminds me of Jeff
Buckley, the way he sings from the heart in an
unconventional, but tender way! Heartfelt and lovely Lyrics! Right up my street! Glad you asked to be a friend! I would not have had the pleasure of hearing this otherwise! I've just been listening to the Dallas Songwriters Competition where my song "The Promise" was a finalist! It did not win, but they want to play it on a tv show all about the Competition! Feel free to browse my selection! "The Promise" would be my first push and then "Drift Away"! Both Emotional songs!

3 Replies
William Cronin
over 30 days ago

Hi jim , your name keeps popping up in front of me this week on UKSC ,FB,BJ , i am sincerely delighted for you , your having a great week all round and its so well deserved . Jim i have listened to " the promise " a while back on YT and how it pulls the heart strings is a credit to your writing skill and craft. Congrats also for ""one night stand " being selected today i seen your name on the list , i wish you huge successes with all your songs , i well know these highs are paid with hard work and determination and a few lows along the way . Broadjam is a gift Jim , i singed " deep went love " to a library this week , so i hope we share that warm fuzzy feeling for many a day to come .
I am honored to have you as a friend along the journey , your positive vibes on FB are felt and appreciated also i could be wrong but i am sensing some Irishness in your melody's , could you be second generation ,.
lovely to chat Jim and sincere congrats on all your good news !!!

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

Appreciate you listening to, and giving 5 stars to "Drift Away and "The Promise". I know they are not exactly your genre so thanks! When I selected one of yours to hear, I viewed the lyrics of three of them first, then selected! What song would you suggest I listen to from your Playlist?

William Cronin
over 30 days ago

Jim i just reloaded Jupiter so you can have a listen , we all have a go to song , Jupiter was my first song that i signed a Pub deal for and in my naivety i thought it should be taken down after singing so you have given me a reason to put it back up.
have a great week Jim , the weekend seems to have flown by ,take care

Storied Windows
over 30 days ago to William Cronin

Beautiful songs!

William Cronin
over 30 days ago to Storied Windows

What an amazing sound , absolutely love what you do !!!!! 10/10

1 Replies
Storied Windows
over 30 days ago

Thank you so much for your kind words! That means a lot : )

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago to William Cronin

Hey There Mr. William Cronin, just heard your song, "Worn Out World", 5 stars & Likse! I can't believe that sound you get with just your voice and a Guitar....Really Great Feeling you emote Sir! 5 Stars & Likes!!
We'd be honored to Connect with you on Broad Jam!!
The Corey's......Stay Safe & continue to sport that Mask!!

2 Replies
William Cronin
over 30 days ago

Art i have tried everything , so i tried to unfriend you to re send the friend request , your picture did leave my site , so when i press friend request now it says cant do we are friends already. its a glitch in the Matrix , lets give it a day or so in case the system needs to catch up.
i also tried logging out and back in that did nothing either.

William Cronin
over 30 days ago

Art you could try friend requesting me now , to see has it changed.