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Drew, I have just one word for your tune, FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!! Going to check out your schedule in Traverse City!!! Great stuff!!!
Thanks so much!!
Thank you Jim for rating my songs!!! Going to keep listening to your excellent work!!!
Hi,And thank you for checking out/rating my song! and congrats on your recent placement with "Park Bench" i love it very creative.
Great job on this track Jim and congrats on the placement!
Thanks so much Lenore!
Lenore is such a wonderful musician as well as a wonderful person! You won't meet anyone that is more genuine the she is!!!
Thank you so much for your kind words!!!! Hope to see you very soon!!!!
Your stuff is GREAT!!! You have accomplished much! Will keep listening!
Congrats! Great job! Love your stuff!
Great songs Michael!
Thank you very much Lenore!!
Fabulous work Steve...congrats and keep up the great work!
real nice playings reminds me a lot at rosenberg trio i real preciate it .
Steve -- Just caught I Can't Help But Wonder. Wow! I absolutely loved it. That is a great marriage of lyric and melody. I see the lyric was Ken Morrison and you on melody and production. Awesome job -- an instant classic. Loved the vocal by Stephanie Porter and your piano -- just so lovely. Great job. I rated 5 stars and voted it best on that Classy Jazz pitch. I've got two of mine in there, too. Hope we get selected!!!!
Hi Betsy - Thanks - coming from a writer like you I'm thrilled! Funny you mention the "marriage" - Ken wrote the lyric to one of my melodies, but added extra syllables to the bridge - I decided to write a whole new melody to his lyric instead!
Great stuff Steve...super authentic arranging...just wonderful!
Love your voice, love the guitar arrangement, love the musicality...want to listen to more of your work...really great stuff!
Just a beautiful mood that you set up and develop. Great touch on the piano with elegant musicality over all. Very smooth and appealing as well. Love the mix of pizzicato and harpsichord sounds and placement. The minimal string placement in the distance is well done. Excellent job!
Hi Lenore, thanks very much for listening to my music and your wonderful comments. Just been listening to some more of your music, which I very much enjoyed! In particular, I loved "Save paradise". Keep up the great work! Andy King
Thank you so much for you kind comments Andy!!! Looking forward to getting to know your music! Lenore Troia
Thank you for the great review of Ambient ;) Keep up the great work!!
Hi Lenore, thank you for your kind review of 'dreamshore', I appreciate your time and input. Thanks again.
Keep up the great work and I look forward to listening to more or your to you!