CD Schwartz is a songwriter & music publisher. She invited some great male vocalists to sing on these songs, including Yonason Hill (son of famous actor Stephen Hill from "Mission Impossible" & "Law & Order"), Eliyon Shemesh, Menashe Schwartz (their son!) & more, so give a listen! "What We Need" has been #1 in pop/rock & in Israel, "Recipes By Me" was a long time hit that was #1 & top 10 here in 7 categories - unique, up-tempo, Asia/Africa, children's, male vocals, Israel, & fan picks - their son sang the adorable vocals on the song. "Creation's Song" & "Sweet Baby Lullaby" were also top 10 children's and in Israel. CD had a song chosen as the theme song for a movie, one for a musical, and other projects. CD & her husband co-write as well. He was a child prodigy, an Interlochen Arts Academy graduate & is a talented composer/musician/arranger.

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Thanks for rating me as one of the 3 top reviewers on Broadjam last year! Also thanks to your great critiques, all the songs that I've put thru the review process have been either #1 or top 10 numerous times in many categories.

Excerpts from Reviews

(A short bio is on my homepage)

"Recipes By Me"
This is a brilliant recording. The cute kid vocal juxtaposed against the masterful blugrass picking is great. I listened twice myself, then called everyone in the house to come listen. This is a hit record (think "Butterfly Kisses") if ever there was one.

Can you see the big smile on my face? Song's a crack-up funny one. Your child vocalist is a prodigy/cutie. Your guitar playing is stellar. Song structure is excellent (breakfast, lunch, dinner). Outlandish combos add great comedic element to song. I write & record kids music and work w/ kid vocalists and your kid would be a definite pick for one of my CD's! Be sure to compliment him.

Critique from Taxi Screener:
On target for this listing-imaginative imagery, sing along melodies, clever tune, good lesson. Deborah, chocolate noodle stew eh? Fun combinations; good melodies, I can hear the kids singing along..and rubbing their tummies at the end of the song.. Good luck with this

Hooray! Love to hear kids sing and guitars solo like that.

I love this song. The lyrics are wonderful and the child singing is great. The arrangement is good and there is a refreshing uniqueness about this song.

It has flavor, better than any grown-up songs I've heard yet.

You are a poet! What beautiful lyrics to describe the beauty of God's creation in the ocean world. I found myself transported, and that's just what I am sure you were trying to do. Great job! Keep up the good songwriting!

"What We Need"
5/5 on everything - Excellent!!! I love the lyric and I love the guitar riff at the break into the solo. Great stuff man. Truly believe this lyric too. The solo at the end reminds me of a great underated band named Shooting Star.
Constructive Comments
None at all. Can hear this in a TV/Movie soundtrack as well. Great upbeat tune. Production is really tight on it. Good mixing and solid instrumental recording. Great job!

I find the whole song very good indeed - it has a happy upbeat feel good enigma which I found easy to get into...

A real feel good song...

"Sweet Baby Lullaby"
You have written a very lovely and original lullaby. I have reviewed a lot of lullabies on Broadjam and yours is one of the tops.

Check out our Broadjam buddy, the amazing guitarist on 3 of the songs reviewed above at!


This Artist has 1 Playlist


Buc Williams
over 30 days ago to CD Schwartz

You still out there?

2 Replies
CD Schwartz
over 30 days ago

Hi Buc! yes still here! My main page here is under Song River Music. Hope you & your family are well!

Buc Williams
over 30 days ago

Great! Good to hear from you. Hope you and yours are all well!

over 30 days ago to CD Schwartz

what up...