CC Carter's music includes social and political commentary, love songs and story songs, mostly in the Americana Genre. His song An American Dream is inspired by the Bernie Sanders' Presidential campaign and is a free download at this site. Please pass it on! His song Insidious was inspired by the tragic killing of Trayvon Martin and is also available as a free download here. The Occupy Movement inspired his song Ninety-Nine; also a free download! Big Oil Big Coal was written as an indictment of big oil & big coal after the big branch mine & gulf oil rig disasters.
Sounds Like: Greg Brown, John Prine
Latest News
CC Carter will begin promoting and performing his fourth and newest CD "Dragonfly" in the Fall of 2015. He is also performing at various political rallies in support of the Bernie Sanders campaign. His book of short poetry, After the rain, The Sun, is available at and elsewhere. He is almost finished with a second book of poetry to be released mid summer 2016, and is also writing material for a fifth CD. Please contact him via this website if you are interested in having him perform.
CC Carter - Biography
CC Carter's Music is written primarily as social and political commentary, mostly in the acoustic Americana genre. His song Insidious, (Reggae/Rock, music and production by Sir Mcp) was inspired by the tragic killing of Trayvon Martin near Orlando Florida, USA 2012 and remains as pertinent as ever today, especially highlighted in the recent murder by the police of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. His song The Ninety-Nine, was inspired by the World Wide Occupy Movement and still gets some European airplay. Big Oil, Big Coal, was inspired by the Deep Water Horizon Gulf of Mexico oil rig ecological disaster and by the Big Branch coal mine explosion (West Virginia, USA) which killed twenty nine miners. Degenerate corporate greed being the underlying causal factor in both instances.
His songs also include love songs and story songs, and are influenced by many topics, artists, styles, and genres. The three songs mentioned above and fifty more are still currently posted at this site;
CC Carter is still in the main a "political" song-writer and has an immanent five song release (first of June 2020) under the band name Zero, entitled 20/20 with his old Culture of Fear band mate and long time collaborator Sir Mcp, which will not be at this site, but will be on their new Bandzoogle Platform under the newly formed umbrella. (Please check it out!) The songs are Industrial Dystopian Rock, written just prior to Covid 19, and were and are a call for World Justice and to honor the world-wide front line protesters from Hong Kong to Paris, standing in solidarity against social injustice everywhere and back dropped by the terrifying escalation of Global Warming. (And now the onslaught of Covid 19, the new tensions between the USA and China, and the upcoming US election, which stinks of all the warning signs of a possible impending second American civil war, dry grass for an already raging fire). The clock ticks ever louder, faster. Great change is here, even greater change is coming. Beware. Prepare.
Another five song compilation by Zero, Black Valentine,
will be released by end of summer 2020.
CC is also a short story writer, painter, poet, and gardener.
Kill your Television 2005
American Son 2009
This Pretty Life 2012
Dragonfly 2015
20/20 (as Zero W/ Sir Mcp) 2020