Rebecca has been writing music in her spare time "as long as she can remember", however 3 years ago she decided to try recording one of her songs to see what would happen. The first turned into the second and third, and the result is her first album "Stories I Could Tell", so named because her songs are drawn from the craziness of life and the good and bad times that happen.

Rebecca has always been involved with music in many aspects of her life, including church choir directing and teaching music lessons. She has played in several different bands during college and the years after, with musical influences ranging from early 60's rock n' roll to modern country music. She can be found most weekends at her favorite karaoke bar, singing, hanging out and enjoying time with friends.

Now that her album is finished, Rebecca hopes to share her music with others who share her sense of fun about life. While she does enjoy performing her music and entertaining, her main focu


Lawrence K. Bodien
over 30 days ago to Rebecca Hickman

Please go to my site, and play my country songs. and when you sound like these know not alls submit your whatever. lkb