A boy and his friends
Well, you know, I don't really like bios - so I'm going to tell my story in a little different way:
To start with there was this little boy, born 1992. As a baby he quite must have annoyed his parents - he was constantly crying. Well, nearly constantly. To wit, there was a very good friend of him who made him fell better. His name was "music".
Some day the cries silenced and the was almost too still and in his silence he forgot about his friend. Times passed and his parents enabled him guitar lessons. However he didn't like it - it wasn't the same friend as back then.
At last the time came for him to meet his friend again. At December 2008 he began to compose as an autodidact.
However , two years later there was a turning point in his life. He almost died because of a viral infection. Now he had to trust in a more intensive way in God.
So he was able to move forward and there were always people who supported him. Especially mentioned his mother, but also institutions like Nintendo.
Now he is a guy who steadily becomes better with his friend - a very unique style of music. At September 2013 he completed a correspondence course in digital music production and composed a musical. Thanks to his friends (the music, but even more God) he is able to have quite a normal and happy life in spite of limitations.
So, that's my story so far. I would be glad if my example also motivates others.