Music has been an integral part of my life since early childhood. I was born into a musical family and therefore feel that music is one of the most important aspects of my life. The music that my family exposed me to in my early years helped me develop my unique and distinct style of songwriting.
The flavor of my songs ranges from intimate and soul searching, to warm and contented. They are taken from the experiences of my own life and the people around me. The genre of my music, I would say, is traditional and contemporary smooth-country.
I had many opportunities over the years to try out my style of music in public while touring with my band during the mid-'70s through the late-90s. The reception of my music was always positive and I had a large following. At this point in my life, my energy is primarily devoted to songwriting. My desire is to share my music with others and my goal is to have my songs performed by major artists in order to reach a wider audience.

Similar Artists

Some say Willie Nelson. Some say Bob Wills. Some say Hank Williams. Some say Merle Hagger. And some say Archie Hughes


My influences are too many to list. They go back to early 50's rock and country. But I have to say that Merle Hagger was my favorite artist on the country side and that The Little River Band is my fav


Band History:
I have had a band since the early 70's up to the late 90's. The sound was from country swing to southern rock. Playing in small clubs to playing at major festivals in the SF Bay area to opening for major artists'. We performed mainly all originals written by me and arranged by the great musicians that were with me through the years.


This Artist has 1 Playlist


Warren Hein
over 30 days ago to Archie Hughes

hello Archie and Santa Rosa! Thank you for the kind words and review of my female version of Second Chance, much appreciated! I'm from down the road in San Jose, all the best to you and yours! Warren Hein

Donovan Tucker
over 30 days ago to Archie Hughes

Archie - thanks for the nice review of Last Call For Arkransas. Its neat that you lived there once, tho youre a long wat from it out there in Cal.Will have to check your stuff out soon.

Brian McNulty
over 30 days ago to Archie Hughes

Archie, Thanks for your very kind review of You Stole My Heart.