Classical trained pianist as a child, turned electronica musician/composer as an adult. I now strive to create unique and emotionally moving music using all digital and acoustic resources, as long as it is beautiful.
Special interests in complex use of computers in sound generation, brain-wave acoustics, and soft-synths. Also intense interest in AD/DA converters and technology. Have a large collection of converters, speakers, and can master in practically any audio format or frequency and provide spectral analysis or sound extraction on digital audio material.

Music is my soul, and I can't "not do" music, it's just a given since age 4.

I grew up in the Deep South, but my family is French, so I am a cross between pure country and French snob.....HA!

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My wife and I have only recently moved to Dallas and I have just now gotten the full studio up and running.

Biography for Duane K Estilll

Duane K Estill grew up in rural Mississippi in the simple country life. He was classically educated on piano starting at age five then took to electronic music in his teens at the University of Mississippi, borrowing equipment from the music department to make tapes using the early Yamaha DX-7 and EMU samplers. This forever set his sights on composing electronic music.
Never one to be interested in commercial succuess, just continued to compose. He still regularly scours the internet as well as pawn shops all over the Southern US looking for old equipment. He has a "mostly" analog recording studio in his home and a commercial studio set up in another city, but does the bulk of his writing in his home studio. He has two Mackie 8 Buss consoles and believes that an analogy mixer is the key to mixing good tracks. "The musical special and energy preservation you get on an analogy console cannot be approximated inside a computer. The last part of the chain, the very last, should be your only digital to analog conversion step because of sound expansion with is mathematically limited in the digital domain."
Recording philosophy aside, his primary musical styles are these, classical, hip-hop, and electronic. Michael Cretu of Enigma is his strongest modern influence. (bio approved by Mr. Estill)


Duane K Estill
over 30 days ago to Duane K Estill

how do I download my songs

Sean Austin
over 30 days ago to Duane K Estill

Your music is so pro and so pleasing to the ear. Keep up the great work.

Gabzy Jay
over 30 days ago to Duane K Estill

nah.... Am in nigeria, yrina set up my new studio,, i wish i had an instrumental on sites, am new to dese sites thing so never had dat time to upload.. But i hal a 2009 demo anstrumental on Check it and tel me wat u think.... Ill b uploading some new ones soon..... Hit me soon..